Power outages are a common occurrence, with Americans experiencing an average of 1.42 power outage events per year, according to Scientific American. While power outages can be inconvenient and even dangerous, knowing what to do when the lights go out can help you stay safe and minimize disruption. Here are four things to do immediately during a power outage.


Power outages are a common occurrence, with Americans experiencing an average of 1.42 power outage events per year, according to Scientific American. While power outages can be inconvenient and even dangerous, knowing what to do when the lights go out can help you stay safe and minimize disruption. Here are four things to do immediately during a power outage.

1. Assess the Situation

The first step during a power outage is to determine the scope of the problem. Check if the outage is limited to your home by looking at your neighbors' houses or streetlights. If it appears to be a widespread issue, contact your utility company to report the outage and get updates on restoration efforts. This information will help you decide your next steps, such as whether to use a mobile generator or wait for the power to return.

2. Turn Off and Unplug Electronics

Power surges can occur when the electricity comes back on, potentially damaging your electronics and appliances. To protect them, immediately turn off and unplug devices like computers, televisions, and kitchen appliances. Once power is restored, you can safely plug them back in. If you have a mobile generator, this is a good time to use it to power essential devices.

3. Preserve Food

One of the biggest concerns during a power outage is keeping your food from spoiling. Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature. A refrigerator can keep food cold for about four hours, and a full freezer will hold its temperature for up to 48 hours. If the outage is expected to last longer, consider using a mobile generator to power your refrigerator and freezer.

4. Use Alternative Light Sources Safely

When the lights go out, it’s important to use alternative light sources like flashlights or battery-powered lanterns. Avoid using candles, as they can pose a fire hazard, especially in an unfamiliar or dark environment. If you must use candles, place them on a stable surface away from flammable materials, and never leave them unattended.

Power outages can be unpredictable, but being prepared can help you navigate them safely. By assessing the situation, protecting your electronics, preserving your food, using light sources safely, and staying informed, you can minimize the impact of a power outage. Having a mobile generator on hand can provide additional peace of mind by keeping essential devices powered until the electricity is restored. Reach out to A&A Power Generators today to hear how we can keep your home protected during an outage.


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